lundi 17 juin 2013

Amanda Bynes' New Target: Sarah Hyland

Posted Monday June 17, 2013 1:50 PM GMT
Just when we thought she couldn’t get any weirder, Amanda Bynes has taken aim at yet another beautiful Hollywood starlet with her Twitter account.
It all started when Sarah Hyland's boyfriend Matt Prokop reached out to the “Hairspray” actress in hopes of getting her to cool it with the plastic surgery.
He wrote, “Look in the mirror… Stop getting work done. Save what’s left.” And of course, Miss Bynes couldn’t help but launch another tirade.
Amanda tweeted back, “Your girlfriend has an ugly face like you,” to which Prokop retorted, “Wow. The devil speaks. We were fans of yours.”
Matt later continued, "It's sad @AmandaBynes was a child actress who kids looked up to. Now she's just a lost soul in a plastic face. #gethelp"
Additionally Bynes shared, "I like her ugly face! She isn't as pretty as me! You need to put up two comparable professional photos! She's not a model I am!!!"
Prokop put up the aforementioned photos with the message, “This should clear your mind.” But Amanda wasn’t satisfied- “Also new pics because surgery helps me! I need more to make my nose smaller! I'll put our pics side by side to prove my point!"
Not content to just let it drop, Matt fired back, “You aren't a model you are plastic. Nothing about you is real anymore. It's so sad how blind you are to reality… stop getting work. You were beautiful. Me and Sarah looked up to you. Now you are looking more like a pornstar. #itssad.”
Finally, Hyland herself perked up- "So me and @mattpro13 have officially made it. @AmandaBynes called us ugly! #blessed."
And then Dr. Drew Pinsky added his voice to the conversation- "I think it may be time to leave @AmandaBynes alone. She will get help if she wants it & if she needs it, hopefully before serious consequences."
Of course, Amanda replied,"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" What kind of help are you referring to? You're ugly and I want you to leave me alone!"
Photo Credit: Getty Images, Twitter

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